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Contracting and
Cancelation Policy


Contracting: self-financed training

- Book an initial chat with us : we will assess your French and discuss a plan of action with you. - After the initial chat, you will receive a follow up email summarizing your needs and adding the class coordinator into the loop. - The class coordinator follows up on all initial chats on Thursday afternoon: this is the time we need to engineer the right learning plan for you and fit it in our calendars. You will receive an email from the class coordinator suggesting a training plan that you can validate or negotiate. - Once a learning plan has been agreed upon, we will issue a quote for you that you can accept by clicking directly on "accept" online. This validates your training in our system. This is the moment for us to pre-book your classes on our calendar. Please note we usually require a two week period between the acceptance of a quote and the beginning of your classes with us: this helps us to make sure everything is ready for you and that teachers have a clear view of their upcoming calendars. - Send a payment as detailed in the contract and your classes will be fully booked! Please note that your classes are not fully booked with us until we receive a first payment. - Once a payment is received, we will send you invites for your classes (GoogleCal). - We're ready to start ! You will receive an email connecting you with your teacher and access to your student's file (share Google Doc with your teachers). Your students file is the true back bone of your training : this is a place where you will find all the logistics information for your training and your class calendar, where your teacher will add the lessons you will cover together and all necessary content, and where you will do exercises and homework.

Contracting: corporate financed training

- Book an initial chat with us and we will assess your French and discuss a plan of action with you. - After the initial chat, you will receive a follow up email summarizing your needs, asking you questions about the logistics of your classes (objectif, timeline, availability), and adding the class coordinator into the loop. - Allow 3-5 days for the class coordinator to engineer the right learning plan for you, based on your assessment. Please note that we build currated training plans based on your current level, objective and availability from what we think, as teachers, is what you need. We can always adapt it to factor in some parameters of reality (budget, timeline, availability). - Once a learning plan has been agreed upon, we will translate it into a quote. The contracting process can then take two roads, depending on how contracting is done on your side: ROAD 1: your training requires a contract from procurement or your department services. 1. We will need to wait for them to issue a contract. It usually takes 3 weeks, but can take more. We have no control on this and cannot be held responsible for a training starting late because of external contracting processes and delays. We will wait until we receive a confirmation of approbation with an expected start date for your training to register your training in our system. We need to receive a signed contract to start planning your training. Please note that we require a two weeks window between when we receive a signed contract and the beginning of the first class. 2. Once a contract is received and signed, we will contact you to confirm the logistics of training, distribute classes accordingly, engineer/apply a personalized training plan and send you invites for your classes (GoogleCal). 3. We're ready to start ! You will receive an email connecting you with your teacher and access to your student's file (share Google Doc with your teachers). Your students file is the true back bone of your training : this is a place where you will find all the logistics information for your training and your class calendar, where your teacher will add the lessons you will cover together and all necessary content, and where you will do exercises and homework. ROAD 2: your training only needs the approbation of your supervisor / the person in charge: your training is usually paid by the credit card of your Department. 1. Once you reviewed the quote, click directly on the quote we sent, on "accept". Your quote appears in our system as a potential training to plan for. 2. Once we receive a formal written approbation from your supervisor or the person responsible for payment (a signed quote or an email), we will contact you to confirm the logistics of training: pair you up with a teacher, engineer a personalized training plan, create a student's file, and send you invites and access for your classes (GoogleCal). 3. We're ready to start ! You will receive an email connecting you with your teacher and access to your student's file (share Google Doc with your teachers). Your students file is the true back bone of your training : this is a place where you will find all the logistics information for your training and your class calendar, where your teacher will add the lessons you will cover together and all necessary content, and where you will do exercises and homework.

You need to extend / renew your contract?

Excellent ! We are happy you are happy ! - If you wish to keep your training the way it is set up (same days, same hours, same teachers), contact the class coordinator as early as possible: two weeks before your last class would be a minimum, there will be no fee attached to renewing your contract. Please be aware there might be a slight gap between the last week of your previous contract and the first week of your new contract if you contact us only at the last minute to renew your contract: time for us to establish a new contract and update our calendars and students files. - If you wish to extend / renew your contract but would like us to accommodate new hours, new days or new teachers, we would need a minimum of two weeks notice.

You need your contract to start ASAP?

While we understand you are probably rushed into your training because you have been scheduled earlier than expected for a test, there will be an emergency fee for treating your request. If you need your training to start within two weeks of our initial chat, we reserve the right to charge $150 as an emergency fee to manage your request, as it requires us to work extra hours on the evenings and during the weekends to be able to fit your training in our calendars.


When organizing training with a student, we put a lot of time and effort into trying our best for their training to be on their preferred days and hours, because we care about the sustainability of their training and want to ensure their classes will fit well into their busy lives. Once we have agreed upon days and hours for their training, the list of classes is accessible in the Calendrier des Classes (in each student file) and should be respected. Our regular cancelation policy is a 2 business days (Monday to Friday) policy for any class cancellation. Less than 2 working days notice ? We call this class canceled at the last minute. For one-on-one classes - regular training ( up to 6 hours a week) - Students need to send an email to the teacher in charge of the class they are canceling. The class coordinator ( should be CC-ed in this email exchange. Teachers and student can discuss together when to reprogram this class. - If a student needs to cancel a class at the last minute, it is their loss: there will be no refund / the class will be billed. Under exceptional circumstances and based on the teacher's good will and availability, a missed class could be rescheduled once. Please be aware that if teachers agree to reschedule a class, it is on their own terms and own time, as we will only bill the class once (teachers will only be paid once as well). For one-on-one classes - intensive or semi-intensive options For semi-intensive and full-time training, we acknowledge that adaptation to the student's needs is key for sustainable success and we want to keep open the option to modify the Calendrier des classes after the first month of training, in agreement with students, to better fit their needs. It can then be modified to better fit the needs of the student every two months. ​ - For contracts over a 3 month period of time, we understand that vacations can be added during the training: we ask students to inform us four weeks in advance of the time they wish to take off training. In the best interest of students' progress, this vacation time shall not exceed two weeks in a row. If students fail to give us enough notice, a full week of training will be charged, as a fair compensation for our teacher's time. Emergency / catastrophe ? Life is hitting you a bit too hard and you need to focus on something else than your French for more than a week? We can pause your training. We require a two weeks notice to pause a training: - week 1 is to have a last class with your teacher, giving us time to wrap up the last few things seem in class, and for your teacher to do a general check up on your progress. We will keep this data with us as a base to built your progression plan when you're ready to re-start. - week 2 is for cancelation fee: we will charge a pausing/cancelling fee equivalent of one week of training. The amount of classes left in the student's contract will be added to your Student file and we will be happy to resume when you will be ready for it. Please note that we will need a minimum of two weeks notice for your classes to resume. ​ Canceling the contract In the case of a student or a client wishing to cancel their contract before its planned end date they must notify the class coordinator by email ( a minimum of two weeks in advance. We will bill the student/the client for canceling their contract before its end date, for the total of classes that would have happened in one week of training, as a fair compensation for their teacher's time. This is a cancellation fee, not a notice of cancellation: students will not participate in these two weeks training. For example: A student who has 3 hours a week of one-on-one training from August 1st to December 1st and wishes to cancel their contract on September 15th. They will be charged for an extra week (7 days) as a cancellation fee: 3 h x $60 = $180. For corporate students, the cancellation fee will be added to the last bill. For non-corporate students, the cancellation fee is expected to be paid within the next 30 days of the termination of the contract (the email sent for cancellation counting as Day 1), or to be deducted from their reimbursement. Late to class? It happens! 1. Do your best to let your teacher know how late you will be: send them an email. 2. If you haven't sent an email and you are late to your class, your teacher will wait for you for the first 15 minutes of your class. If you are late for more than 15 minutes, it is considered a no-show. Teacher will sign out of the class and we will consider it canceled last minute (it will be billed to you/your employer).


How to book a Duo Class?

Duo Classes are offered to Public Servants to help them prepare the level B or C of the SLE/OLA. - All participants need to get their French level assessed (book initial chat 15 minutes) prior to joining a session. If a participant doesn't comply to this rule and if they do not meet the level expected, we will need to remove them from the rest of the Duo Classes they might have booked. They will be reimbursed, minus a cancelation fee of $15 per Duo Class mistakenly booked. - Duo Classes can be booked directly online, and first come, first served. Go directly on our Book Online page: and select the sessions that suit you best. Please note: for your convenience, the calendar is set to display the different options available according to the time zone you are when you are doing the bookings. - You can manage your bookings directly online, by logging in your member area with the same email address you booked your session with. - You can book a Duo Class as a drop-in ($60/session) or benefit from one of our packages (see below). Credit card payment: you will receive a receipt by email.

Canceling a Duo Class

For students managing their own Duo Classes only. [for Full Time students, Duo Classes are an integral part of your training: we are following our general contracting policy if you need to cancel or pause your Duo Classes] You can cancel and reschedule a Duo Class up to 48hours prior the beginning of the class with no fee. If you cancel a Duo Class between 24h and 48h, you will be charged $15. If you cancel a Duo Class under 24h, you will be charged a 100% of the fee you paid. You can cancel and reschedule a booked Duo Class directly on our mobile app or from your member area on our website: 1. Make sure you are logged in, using the login bar on the top right corner of the page. 2. Click on the arrow to access the menu and select "My bookings". You will see all the classes you have booked. Click on "cancel" to cancel your participation in the class of your choice. If only one participant is available, and depending on the solo-participant's readiness for the exam, we will offer to turn the class into a mock exam (35-40 minutes) followed by detailed feedback for the rest of the session. Please note that Duo Classes should be booked with the intention of participating in it, as it does not only engage the time of a teacher, but also the time of the other participant who is counting on having a potential partner for their Duo Class.

Memberships and packages

Monthly renewable memberships do no longer exist for Duo Classes. Instead, we offer packages of 10 or 20 Duo Classes to be purchased at once and used within 2 months: 1 Duo Class (drop-in) = $60 10 Duo Class = $400 ($40/session) 20 Duo Class = $750 ($37.5/session) Participants can purchase a membership directly online: Unused tickets in packages will not be reimbursed.


How to book a Conversation Workshop?

Conversation Workshops are organized per level: - A level participants can only register in the Hatching Club. - B level participants can register in All you can B + The Book Club + The Social catch up - C level participants can register in C how good you are + The Book Club + The Social catch up - All participants need to get their French level assessed (book initial chat 15 minutes) prior to joining a session. If a participant doesn't comply to this rule and if they do not meet the level expected, we will need to remove them from the rest of the Conversation Workshops they might have booked. They will be reimbursed, minus a cancelation fee of $15 per Conversation Workshops mistakenly booked. - Conversation Workshops can be booked directly online, and first come, first served. Go directly on our Book Online page: and select the sessions that suit you best. Please note: for your convenience, the calendar is set to display the different options available according to the time zone you are when you are doing the bookings. - You can manage your bookings directly online, by logging in your member area with the same email adress you booked your session with. - You can book a Conversation Workshops as a drop-in ($30/session) or benefit from one of our packages or membership (see below). Payment can be processed by credit card payment: you will receive a receipt by email. To book your first session online (website), 1. Click on "book online" and select the conversation workshop of your choice. Please note that if you want to register in different workshops, you will need to browse different calendars. 2. then select the dates you'd like to join us. We recommend to join at least one workshop every week! To use our mobile app:​ 1. Download the app : from your phone, click here. 2. Log in 3. On the menu, click on Schedule and select the Conversation workshop, and then the session of your choice

Canceling a Conversation Workshop

Missed session will not be reimbursed: a session booked is a session clients need to commit attending. Cancelation of a session can occur up to 2 business days in advance. Past this limit, it is considered last minute cancelation. Clients can cancel their participation in a session directly on their member area, on the website or via the app. We understand that sometimes life can happen, vacations are needed, or work gets busy, which is why we allow a substitute system for one session every 30 days of workshops: students can find someone to replace them for the one session in which they registered, but need to miss. This substitute needs to be around the same level to allow for the group cohesiveness (we recommend the substitute to take an initial chat -15 minutes- with us, if needed)

Memberships and packages

Conversation workshops can be booked with Memberships or Packages: - Monthly renewable membership lasts for 6 months, costs $160 and will renew automatically every 30 days. It allows to book unlimited sessions ever month Memberships have been designed with B+ or C students in mind to allow them to vary and partake weekly in different workshops: C how good you are + Social Catch up for example. - Packages exists in two format: x5 sessions, lasts for 3 months. Costs $120, once. x10 sessions, lasts for 6 months. Costs $$200, once. Participants can purchase a membership or a package directly online:

Canceling policy for Membership and Packages

Unused tickets in packages will not be reimbursed. Memberships of 6 months can be paused once, for a maximum period of time of 4 weeks. No charge will occur during the pause. Cancelation Clients can cancel their membership whenever they want directly online via their member area.

In all cases, please note

Fais-le en français – Do it in French aims to provide a safe-space to each participant, teachers included. Consequently, the instructor reserves the right to terminate a contract with any student who would demonstrate disrespectful and/or aggressive behaviours towards another student or the instructor. Discourse and actions stemming from racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia and toxic masculine rhetoric are not welcome in our classes.

In a case where the instructor had to terminate a contract, Fais-le en français – Do it in French will charge clients for the hours completed and the remaining hours of the current week of the contract termination.

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